Bute Highland Games



Saturday 23rd August 2025



10k Road Race


The race has been an annual event, in some form, for over since the 1950s and a record-breaking 225 runners registered for this year’s event.  Serious competitors and fun-runners alike have enjoyed this well-organised; clearly marked; safe and marshalled road race.

… and for those thinking about competing in a 10k run for the very first time, the Isle of Bute has to be the perfect choice for your inaugural race. 


Each competitor will finish with a goodie bag and be provided with refreshments. We use a chip-to-chip timing system enabling each competitor to retrieve their official time immediately upon completion of the race.


All in all a truly fun experience for everyone to enjoy!




Operated under UK Athletics’ Laws & Rules
A Scottish Athletics’ Permit Event

An open event for men, women and children (15 years and over)




Click here to identify the breath-taking coastal route runners experience along the way!




On completion of this event every competitor receives a medal, in addition to:


Prizes listed are the 2024 prizes and are subject to change for 2025.




  • 1st Prize   £95
  • 2nd Prize  £75
  • 3rd Prize   £55
  • 4th Prize   £35




  • 1st Prize   £95
  • 2nd Prize  £75
  • 3rd Prize   £55
  • 4th Prize   £35


Fastest veteran men

(40 years and over on Games’ Day)


  • 1st Prize  £50
  • 2nd Prize £40


Fastest veteran women

(35 years and over on Games’ Day)


  • 1st Prize   £50
  • 2nd Prize  £40


Local competitors


  • 1st local man       £35
  • 1st local woman  £35


Please note :

Competitors must be 15 years of age or over on the day of the Games


The road race is due to commence at approximately 3.00.pm, all competitors should report to the Athletics Tent no later than 2.00.pm on the day



£14 each  –  For Scottish Athletics’ members
£16 each  –  For non-members

(Entries will not be processed unless fees have been paid)




Entries will open Spring 2025.


Competitors selecting to pre-register on or before 20th August 2025 can gain entry to the Games on the day at no charge, just bring your confirmation of race entry.  With regret, this concession is not possible for competitors who do not pre-register on or before the above date!


On the day


An entry form can be obtained from the Athletics Tent between 12.00.noon and 2.00.pm, entry on the day costs £20. Please ensure you register at the Athletics tent between 12 Noon and 14.00 where you will be given your race number with timing chip attached.  The race is due to start at 15.00, please make sure you are ready to go at 14.50 at the entrance to the arena.  A marshall will meet you there and escort you to the start line.


If further assistance is required please use

the “contact us” page                                         Top