




An official programme can be purchased on Games’ Day (£3 each).  This will include reference in detail to all activities operating within The Stadium (High Street, Rothesay, Isle of Bute PA20 9BS).


In the meantime, we are happy to present below a draft outline of the events scheduled to take place, providing you with a “taste” of what delights they will have in store for you on the day.



08.30          Gates Open

10.00          Highland Dancing (Confined)

10.00          100m Fun Run/Mad Dash

11.15          Junior Athletics – Primary School Level

11.00          Junior Athletics – Secondary School Level

12.00          Official Opening Ceremony

12.00          Wrestling – weigh in at Shinty Clubhouse

12.30          Highland Dancing (Open Championship)

12.30          Pipe Band Competition

12.30          Drum Majors – Report for registering

13.00          Wrestling Competition starts

13.00          Senior Heavy Events

13.15          Drum Majors – Dress and Deportment

15.00          10k Road Race starts

15.35          Drum Majors – March and Discipline

17.15          Final Parade – approx.**

**Note:       This usually takes place after the last toss of the caber at the Heavy Events. There is a big entry for this competition and could take a while for it to finish. 

….. And, of course, there will be many other activities operating in and and around the Stadium for everyone to enjoy.


Please note …

Listed timings are only approximate with changes, if any, processed closer to the ‘Big Day’.                                         Top