Bute Highland Games



Saturday 23rd August 2025





To satisfy the inner person there will be a range of tasty hot and cold food and drinks on offer. The facilities will be fully compliant with all current Food Hygiene Regulations and Local Authority Legislation.


A fully licensed beer tent will feature in another large marquee, similarly compliant with current regulations and legislation.  Prices are comparable with the pubs in town and you can take your drink outside the tent to watch the Games.


Exclusive to patrons and located directly overlooking the main Arena is the patrons’ marquee, providing a really great place to relax and enjoy a drink or a cup of tea/coffee, with a fine view of everything taking place.

For details of how to become a patron please click here.


Close to the food & drinks’ marquee will be a range of activities for children such as, ‘bouncy castles’ and so on.  All contractors involved are licensed by our Local Authority.


Around the Arena will be a number of stalls selling a range of merchandise as diverse as ice cream to kilts!  These stalls are located as far back from the Arena area as possible in order not to obstruct views of the various events taking place.  If you are interested in becoming one of our valued stall holders please click here.


Parking will be available for a small fee (click here) and located on the disused tennis courts adjacent to the Shinty Club in the Meadows.  Motorists should take the first turning on the right after the Police Station on the High Street, into Russell Street, continue past the crossroad onto Barone Road, pass the entrance to Bute Fabrics and take the next turning on the left Meadows Road and continue to the area of the Shinty Clubhouse.
The post code is PA20 0ED (satnav)

In the event of firm ground conditions it is possible some parking may also be available on a grassed area just past the Arena on the High Street.

Signage indicating parking areas will be in place on the day.

Disabled parking

A facility for parking vehicles displaying valid disabled parking badges will be available in the Council Yard located on the right of the High Street immediately prior to the main entrance to the Arena when approaching up the road from the town. No parking will be allowed inside the stadium.


Full First Aid and Paramedic ambulance services will be on site supplied by  A.A.L.S Medical Services Ltd and F1 Training Services UK Ltd.

Their manned tent will be located in close proximity to the High Street gate entry position.


Ample toilets are located at various points – near to the main entrance (including a disabled facility); close to the beer tent; inside the patrons’ marquee (patrons only) and just beyond the Grandstand.  They will be serviced regularly throughout the day by one of our contractors.


And just in case needed on the day …

Uniformed security personnel will be on duty in addition to local police officers

A lost property point

A meeting place for lost children

A secretary’s tent with a team of people ready to help with any queries that arise

                                                                                            Showground Plan                                               Top